CPA.01.28.1 - Spices, not processed

Back to CPA.01.28 - Spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops
Name Code
Pepper (piper spp.), raw CPA.01.28.11
Chillies and peppers, dry (capsicum spp.), raw CPA.01.28.12
Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms, raw CPA.01.28.13
Anise, badian, coriander, cumin, caraway, fennel and juniper berries, raw CPA.01.28.14
Cinnamon (canella), raw CPA.01.28.15
Cloves (whole stems), raw CPA.01.28.16
Ginger, dry, raw CPA.01.28.17
Vanilla, raw CPA.01.28.18
Other spices, not processed CPA.01.28.19