Map - Sevilla Geo localisation of main actors biomass sector


Sevilla Geo localisation of main actors biomass sector

Space Coordinates Description
Aborgase [37.4129513510273, -5.92736537855862]
Andalucia Naranjas [37.6745387494052, -5.5534343431948185]
Cooperativa San Sebastian [37.68215665611422, -5.538664196767536]
Emasesa [37.3984152631797, -5.94984138696455]
Grupo Agro Sevilla [37.4087637846672, -5.931107912585514]
Heineken España [37.390895912695065, -5.964130016154665]
Las Marismas de Lebrija [36.966359153483694, -6.1024590228704225]
Lipasam [37.3777987242693, -6.00391747098885]
Mercasevilla [37.3883842671746, -5.93725844590078]
Migasa [37.272069307642546, -5.928211860616394]
Procavi [37.3539895861083, -5.43915463587602]
Productores del Campo [37.51331359340673, -5.998999208307454]
Quesos Los Vazquez [37.4120688765152, -6.33543364407726]
Sevillana de Patatas [37.392262086364724, -5.973144085811772]


CSV format

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GeoJSON format

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Shapefile format

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