Your search yielded 279 results.


Title Type Author(s) Year
Blockchain for the circular economy: Theorizing blockchain's role in the transition to a circular economy through an empirical investigation Journal Article Böhmecke-Schwafert et al.
Implications of climate change on small island developing states: experience in the Caribbean region Webpage
Inclusive engagement for environmental sustainability in small island states Journal Article Ilan Kelman 2023
A political ecology of data Journal Article Nost and Goldstein 2022
Algae application in civil construction: A review with focus on the potential uses of the pelagic Sargassum spp. biomass Journal Article Rossignolo et al. 2022
Climate Change and the Caribbean: Challenges and Vulnerabilities in Building Resilience to Tropical Cyclones Journal Article Clint T. Lewis 2022
Climate risk insurance in Pacific Small Island Developing States: possibilities, challenges and vulnerabilities—a comprehensive review Journal Article Jain et al. 2022
Decarbonisation of islands: A multi-criteria decision analysis platform and application Journal Article Barney et al. 2022
Disaster aid? Mapping historical responses to volcanic eruptions from 1800–2000 in the English-speaking Eastern Caribbean: their role in creating vulnerabilities Journal Article Barclay et al. 2022
Economic estimation of Bitcoin mining’s climate damages demonstrates closer resemblance to digital crude than digital gold Journal Article Jones et al. 2022
Energy Consumption and Bitcoin Market Journal Article Huynh et al. 2022
How do Small Island Developing States Meet the Sustainable Development Goals? Journal Article Hillbom et al. 2022
Our New Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure: Becoming Locked into an Unsustainable Future Journal Article Robbins and van Wynsberghe 2022
Parachute science through a regional lens: Marine litter research in the Caribbean Small Island Developing States and the challenge of extra-regional research Journal Article Stöfen-O'Brien et al. 2022
Preying on the poor? Opportunities and challenges for tackling the social and environmental threats of cryptocurrencies for vulnerable and low-income communities Journal Article Howson and de Vries 2022
Prioritising well-being and resilience to ‘build back better’: insights from a Dominican small-scale fishing community Journal Article Forster et al. 2022
Providing a framework for post-disaster resilience factors in buildings and infrastructure from end-users’ perspectives: case study in Caribbean island states Journal Article Charles et al. 2022
Returning to normal? ‘Building back better’ in the Dominican education system after Tropical Storm Erika and Hurricane Maria Journal Article Martin Parham 2022
Socio-metabolic risk and tipping points on islands Journal Article Singh et al. 2022
The Environmental Sustainability of Digital Technologies: Stakeholder Practices and Perspectives Journal Article Samuel et al. 2022
The Role of Crypto Trading in the Economy, Renewable Energy Consumption and Ecological Degradation Journal Article Miśkiewicz et al. 2022
The dynamics of institutional arrangements for climate change adaptation in small island developing states in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans Journal Article Robinson et al. 2022
The role of Nature-based Solutions in disaster resilience in coastal Jamaica: current and potential applications for ‘building back better’ Journal Article Lee et al. 2022
The timing of storm awareness in the Caribbean: the utility of climate information for improved disaster preparedness Journal Article Dookie and Spence-Hemmings 2022
Towards a Circular Economy for African Islands: an Analysis of Existing Baselines and Strategies Journal Article Andriamahefazafy and Failler 2022
UAUCU Student Research Exchange Collected Papers 2022 Book Mijts et al. 2022
What’s in a Name? The Impact of Disasters on Islands’ Reputations: The cases of Giglio and Ustica Journal Article Agius and Baldacchino 2022
Whose resilience matters? A socio-ecological systems approach to defining and assessing disaster resilience for small islands Journal Article Talubo et al. 2022
‘Building back better’ in the context of multi-hazards in the Caribbean Journal Article Jones et al. 2022
A Short Overview of Rebound Effects in Methods of Artificial Intelligence Journal Article Martina Willenbacher 2021
A review of mental health and wellbeing under climate change in small island developing states (SIDS) Journal Article Kelman et al. 2021
Acceleration for disasters: Evaluation of the disaster management act in Indonesia Journal Article Ayuni and Arsil 2021
Assessing the embodied carbon footprint of IoT edge devices with a bottom-up life-cycle approach Journal Article Pirson and Bol 2021
Climate Adaptation by Farmers in Three Communities in the Maldives Book Section Shafeeqa et al. 2021
Climate Change Adaptation and Sectoral Policy Coherence in the Caribbean Journal Article Lewis and Su 2021
Climate Change Adaptation on Small Island States: An Assessment of Limits and Constraints Journal Article Leal Filho et al. 2021
Critiquing ‘islandness’ as immunity to COVID-19: A case exploration of the Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique archipelago in the Caribbean region Journal Article John N. Telesford 2021
Exploring climate-driven non-economic loss and damage in the Pacific Islands Journal Article McNamara et al. 2021
From Bitcoin to carbon allowances: An asymmetric extreme risk spillover Journal Article Di Febo et al. 2021
Global Academy of Training and Research Journal Journal Article Vetrova and Ivanova 2021
Historical and future drought impacts in the Pacific islands and atolls Journal Article Iese et al. 2021
How big is circular economy potential on Caribbean islands considering e-waste? Journal Article Mohammadi et al. 2021
Reflections on Sustainability Concepts: Aloha ʻĀina and the Circular Economy Journal Article Beamer et al. 2021
Smart Fishery: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda for Sustainable Fisheries in the Age of AI Journal Article Honarmand Ebrahimi et al. 2021
The Impact of the Digital Economy on CO2 Emissions: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis Journal Article Li et al. 2021
The real climate and transformative impact of ICT: A critique of estimates, trends, and regulations Journal Article Freitag et al. 2021
The situated construction of language ideologies in Aruba : a study among participants in the language planning and policy process. Thesis Eric Mijts 2021
“From local island energy to degrowth? Exploring democracy, self-sufficiency, and renewable energy production in Greece and Spain” Journal Article Tsagkari et al. 2021
A Review of Technical Standards for Smart Cities Journal Article Lai et al. 2020
A novel approach to calculate individuals’ carbon footprints using financial transaction data – App development and design Journal Article David Andersson 2020
A richness index for baselining climate change adaptations in small island developing states Journal Article Stacy-ann Robinson 2020
A systematic review of the energy and climate impacts of teleworking Journal Article Hook et al. 2020
An assessment of energy vulnerability in Small Island Developing States Journal Article Genave et al. 2020
Application and assessment of internet of things toward the sustainability of energy systems: Challenges and issues Journal Article Khatua et al. 2020
Bitcoin-energy markets interrelationships - New evidence Journal Article Corbet et al. 2020
Blockchain and Smart Contract for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Platform: Legal Obstacles and Regulatory Solutions Document Lee and Khan 2020
Blue Growth and its discontents in the Faroe Islands: an island perspective on Blue (De)Growth, sustainability, and environmental justice Journal Article Ragnheiður Bogadóttir 2020
Climate change adaptation in SIDS: A systematic review of the literature pre and post the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Journal Article Stacy-ann Robinson 2020
Climate change and food security in Caribbean small island developing states: challenges and strategies Journal Article Lenderking et al. 2020
Climate change loss and damage policy implications for Pacific Island Countries Journal Article Nand and Bardsley 2020
Climate change, ecosystem services and migration in the Marshall Islands: are they related? Journal Article van der Geest et al. 2020
Coronavirus: COVID-19 Transmission in Pacific Small Island Developing States Journal Article Leal Filho et al. 2020
Crypto-economy and new sustainable business models: Reflections and projections using a case study analysis Journal Article Massaro et al. 2020
Decarbonizing the Galapagos Islands: Techno-Economic Perspectives for the Hybrid Renewable Mini-Grid Baltra–Santa Cruz Journal Article Eras-Almeida et al. 2020
Developing a Sustainable Concept for Urban Last-Mile Delivery Journal Article Siegfried and Zhang 2020
Drone Technology in Precision Agriculture: Are There No Environmental Concerns? Journal Article Ade Dawodu 2020
Environmental Informatics Vis-à-Vis Big Data Analytics: The Geo-Spatial & Sustainable Solutions Journal Article Paul et al. 2020
Global to small island; a cross-scale foresight scenario exercise Journal Article Drakes et al. 2020
Going green: The effect of green labels on delivery time slot choices Document Agatz et al. 2020
Impact of Industry 4.0 on Environmental Sustainability Journal Article Oláh et al. 2020
Industry 4.0: How it is defined from a sociotechnical perspective and how much sustainability it includes – A literature review Journal Article Beier et al. 2020
Internet of Things (IoT) and the Energy Sector Journal Article Hossein Motlagh et al. 2020
Islands of vulnerability and resilience: Manufactured stereotypes? Journal Article Ilan Kelman 2020
Pathways to climate change mitigation and stable energy by 100% renewable for a small island: Jamaica as an example Journal Article Chen et al. 2020
Quantum GIS Based Descriptive and Predictive Data Analysis for Effective Planning of Waste Management Journal Article et al. 2020
Regulating Airbnb: How cities deal with perceived negative externalities of short-term rentals Journal Article Nieuwland and Melik 2020
Role of IoT Technology in Agriculture: A Systematic Literature Review Journal Article Farooq et al. 2020
Sinking Islands, Drowned Logic; Climate Change and Community-Based Adaptation Discourses in Solomon Islands Journal Article van der Ploeg et al. 2020
South American Expert Roundtable: Increasing Adaptive Governance Capacity for Coping with Unintended Side Effects of Digital Transformation Journal Article Viale Pereira et al. 2020
The Digital Transformation of the Korean Music Industry and the Global Emergence of K-Pop Journal Article Parc and Kim 2020
The Social Metabolism of Quiet Sustainability in the Faroe Islands Journal Article Ragnheiður Bogadóttir 2020
The good, the bad and the ugly: An overview of the sustainability of blockchain technology Journal Article Christophe Schinckus 2020
Using big data to evaluate corporate social responsibility and sustainable development practices Journal Article Barbeito‐Caamaño and Chalmeta 2020
White Paper on Artificial Intelligence: a European approach to excellence and trust Document 2020
A commentary on national adaptation drivers: the case of small island developing states Journal Article Stacy-ann Robinson 2019
Artificial intelligence and the circular economy: AI as a tool to accelerate the transition Report Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2019
Blockchain for Environmental Governance: Can Smart Contracts Reinforce Payments for Ecosystem Services in Namibia? Journal Article Daniel Oberhauser 2019
Blockchain technology and its relationships to sustainable supply chain management Journal Article Saberi et al. 2019
Defining the sharing economy for sustainability Journal Article Curtis and Lehner 2019
Digital transformation and localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) | Elsevier Enhanced Reader Journal Article ElMassah and Mohieldin 2019
Energy and policy considerations for deep learning in NLP Journal Article Strubell et al. 2019
Enhancing coastal livelihoods in Indonesia: an evaluation of recent initiatives on gender, women and sustainable livelihoods in small-scale fisheries Journal Article Stacey et al. 2019
How and where is artificial intelligence in the public sector going? A literature review and research agenda Journal Article Sousa et al. 2019
How sustainable is the sharing economy? On the sustainability connotations of sharing economy platforms Journal Article Geissinger et al. 2019
Internet of Things Applications as Energy Internet in Smart Grids and Smart Environments Journal Article Kabalci et al. 2019
Investigating the impact of climate change on the tourism sector: evidence from a sample of island economies Journal Article Seetanah and Fauzel 2019
Is the Rate of Scientific Progress Slowing Down? Report Cowen and Southwood 2019
Measuring the Impact of Ride-Hailing Firms on Urban Congestion: The Case of Uber in Europe and United States Report Xavier Fageda 2019
Natural Hazards and Well-Being in a Small-Scale Island Society Journal Article Lohmann et al. 2019
Prospects and Challenges for Civil Society and Climate Change Engagement in the Caribbean: The Case of Trinidad and Tobago Journal Article Montoute et al. 2019
Risks, Health Consequences, and Response Challenges for Small-Island-Based Populations: Observations From the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season Journal Article Shultz et al. 2019
Sharing economy revisited: Towards a new framework for understanding sharing models Journal Article Netter et al. 2019
Smart technologies for promotion of energy efficiency, utilization of sustainable resources and waste management Journal Article Nižetić et al. 2019
State of the Art of Machine Learning Models in Energy Systems, a Systematic Review Journal Article Mosavi et al. 2019
The Manifestation of Climate Injustices: The Post-Hurricane Irma Conflicts Surrounding Barbuda’s Communal Land Tenure Journal Article Baptiste and Devonish 2019
The carbon footprint of manufacturing digitalization: Critical literature review and future research agenda Journal Article Patsavellas and Salonitis 2019
The roles of users in electric, shared and automated mobility transitions Journal Article Axsen and Sovacool 2019
A cloud server energy consumption measurement system for heterogeneous cloud environments Journal Article Lin et al. 2018
A sustainable home energy prosumer-chain methodology with energy tags over the blockchain Journal Article Park et al. 2018
Accountability in climate change governance and Caribbean SIDS Journal Article Michelle Scobie 2018
Achieving SDG 6: water resources sustainability in Caribbean Small Island Developing States through improved water governance Journal Article Michelle A. Mycoo 2018
Adapting to climate change at the national level in Caribbean small island developing state Journal Article Stacy-ann Robinson 2018
Application of Blockchain Technology in Sustainable Energy Systems: An Overview Journal Article Wu and Tran 2018
Assessing ICT global emissions footprint: Trends to 2040 & recommendations Journal Article Belkhir and Elmeligi 2018
Assessing indirect environmental effects of information and communication technology (ICT): A systematic literature review Journal Article Bieser and Hilty 2018
Assessing the implications of a 1.5 °C temperature limit for the Jamaican agriculture sector Journal Article Rhiney et al. 2018
Beyond 1.5 °C: vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies for Caribbean Small Island Developing States Journal Article Michelle A. Mycoo 2018
Blockchain and smart metering towards sustainable prosumers Conference Paper Lazaroiu and Roscia 2018
Blockchain practices, potentials, and perspectives in greening supply chains Journal Article Kouhizadeh and Sarkis 2018
Blockchain technology: An interconnected legal framework for an interconnected system Journal Article Marina Fyrigou-Koulouri 2018
Blockchain, business supply chains, sustainability, and law: The future of governance, legal frameworks, and lawyers? Journal Article Adam J. Sulkowski 2018
Climate adaptation strategies in Fiji: The role of social norms and cultural values Journal Article Neef et al. 2018
Climate change adaptation in small island developing states: Insights and lessons from a meta-paradigmatic study Journal Article Stacy-ann Robinson 2018
Coastal hazard risk assessment for small islands: assessing the impact of climate change and disaster reduction measures on Ebeye (Marshall Islands) Journal Article Giardino et al. 2018
Cyprus energy resources and their potential to increase sustainability Conference Paper Tsangas et al. 2018
Estimating damages from climate-related natural disasters for the Caribbean at 1.5 °C and 2 °C global warming above preindustrial levels Journal Article Burgess et al. 2018
Evaluating the energy consumption of mobile data transfer—from technology development to consumer behaviour and life cycle thinking Journal Article Pihkola et al. 2018
GIS-based Flood Susceptibility and Risk Mapping Trinidad Using Weight Factor Modeling Journal Article Roopnarine et al. 2018
Geographies of renewable energy transition in the Caribbean: Reshaping the island energy metabolism Journal Article Harrison and Popke 2018
Greening Internet of Things for Smart Everythings with A Green-Environment Life: A Survey and Future Prospects Journal Article Alsamhi et al. 2018
Greening cloud data centers in an economical way by energy trading with power grid Journal Article Gu et al. 2018
Knowledge, perceptions, concerns, and behaviors to climate change—the Caribbean context: an introduction Journal Article Thomas and Baptiste 2018
Mapping soil carbon stocks in an oceanic mangrove ecosystem in Karimunjawa Islands, Indonesia Journal Article Nehren and Wicaksono 2018
Mapping the sharing economy for sustainability research Journal Article Plewnia and Guenther 2018
Measuring the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean Region Journal Article Mahlknecht and González-Bravo 2018
Mechanism-based explanations of impasses in the governance of ecosystem-based adaptation Journal Article Sieber et al. 2018
On the Scalability of Blockchain-Supported Local Energy Markets Conference Paper Blom and Farahmand 2018
On the vulnerability of Small Island Developing States: A dynamic analysis Journal Article Scandurra et al. 2018
Practical tools for quantitative analysis of coastal vulnerability and sea level rise impacts—application in a Caribbean island and assessment of the 1.5 °C threshold Journal Article Biondi and Guannel 2018
Recipe for Resilience? Tracing the Biopolitics of Sint Maarten’s Recovery Efforts After Irma Journal Article Kevon Rhiney 2018
Reducing external costs of nitrogen pollution by relocation of pig production between regions in the European Union Journal Article van Grinsven et al. 2018
Resource extractivism, health and climate change in small islands Journal Article Hilary Bambrick 2018
Responding to multiple climate-linked stressors in a remote island context: The example of Yadua Island, Fiji Journal Article Martin et al. 2018
Rethinking energy demand governance: Exploring impact beyond ‘energy’ policy Journal Article Butler et al. 2018
Small island perspectives on climate change Journal Article Walshe and Stancioff 2018
The implications of rural perceptions of water scarcity on differential adaptation behaviour in Rajasthan, India Journal Article Singh et al. 2018
Toward an ontology-driven blockchain design for supply-chain provenance Journal Article Kim and Laskowski 2018
Towards a sharing economy – Innovating ecologies of business models Journal Article Boons and Bocken 2018
Wading past assumptions: Gender dimensions of climate change adaptation in coastal communities of the Philippines Journal Article Graziano et al. 2018
Where do islands put their waste? – A material flow and carbon footprint analysis of municipal waste management in the Maltese Islands Journal Article Camilleri-Fenech et al. 2018
A strategic framework for sustainable water resource management in small island nations: the case of Barbados Journal Article Emmanuel and Clayton 2017
An integrative approach to understand vulnerability and resilience post-disaster: The 2015 cyclone Pam in urban Vanuatu as case study Journal Article Rey et al. 2017
Blockchain applications in microgrids an overview of current projects and concepts Conference Paper Goranović et al. 2017
Citizen utilities: The emerging power paradigm Journal Article Green and Newman 2017
Climate change adaptation trends in small island developing states Journal Article Stacy-ann Robinson 2017
Climate change impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean and their implications for development Journal Article Reyer et al. 2017
Crypto-trading: Blockchain-oriented energy market Conference Paper Mannaro et al. 2017
Digital sustainability: Basic conditions for sustainable digital artifacts and their ecosystems Journal Article Stuermer et al. 2017
Energy consumption in e-commerce versus conventional trade channels - Insights into packaging, the last mile, unsold products and product returns Journal Article Pålsson et al. 2017
Energy landscape in Mauritius Journal Article Surroop and Raghoo 2017
How to regulate disruptive innovation - from facts to data Journal Article Kaal and Vermeulen 2017
Human dimensions of environmental change in small island developing states: some common themes Journal Article Weir and Pittock 2017
Nudging robots: Innovative solutions to regulate artificial intelligence Journal Article Guihot et al. 2017
Regional organisations and climate change adaptation in small island developing states Journal Article Robinson and Gilfillan 2017
Seizing history: development and non-climate change in Small Island Developing States Journal Article Godfrey Baldacchino 2017
Sustainable Surfing Tourism Development in the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia: Local Stakeholder Perspectives Journal Article Towner and Milne 2017
The future of Caribbean tourism: competition and climate change implications Journal Article Mackay and Spencer 2017
A Methodology to Assess the Water Energy Food Ecosystems Nexus in Transboundary River Basins Journal Article de Strasser et al. 2016
A social justice framing of climate change discourse and policy: Adaptation, resilience and vulnerability in a Jamaican agricultural landscape Journal Article Popke et al. 2016
Beyond dichotomies: Gender and intersecting inequalities in climate change studies Journal Article Djoudi et al. 2016
Blockchain technology as a regulatory technology: From code is law to law is code Journal Article Filippi and Hassan 2016
Caribbean Energy : Macro-Related Challenges Report McIntyre et al. 2016
Critical success factors behind the sustainability of the Sharing Economy Conference Paper Hasan and Birgach 2016
Disruptive change in the taxi business: The case of Uber Journal Article Cramer and Krueger 2016
Do Airbnb properties affect house prices? Journal Article Sheppard and Udell 2016
Do Foreign Aid and Remittance Inflows Hurt Competitiveness of Exports of Pacific Island Countries? An Empirical Study of Fiji Journal Article Jayaraman et al. 2016
Extreme Events, Critical Infrastructures, Human Vulnerability and Strategic Planning: Emerging Research Issues Journal Article Birkmann et al. 2016
Gone with the Wind : Estimating Hurricane and Climate Change Costs in the Caribbean Report Sebastian Acevedo 2016
Governance across the land-sea interface: A systematic review Journal Article Pittman and Armitage 2016
IOT in agriculture Conference Paper Shenoy and Pingle 2016
Sharing economy as a contributor to sustainable growth. An EU perspective Journal Article Bonciu and Bâlgăr 2016
The rebound effect and Schatzki’s social theory: Reassessing the socio-materiality of energy consumption via a German case study Journal Article Galvin and Gubernat 2016
The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption Journal Article Hamari et al. 2016
Towards a blockchain enabled social contract for sustainability - Creating a fair and just operating system for humanity Conference Paper Faber and Hadders 2016
Barriers to reducing climate enhanced disaster risks in Least Developed Country-Small Islands through anticipatory adaptation Journal Article Kuruppu and Willie 2015
Changing tourism patterns, capital accumulation, and urban water consumption in Mallorca, Spain: a sustainability fix? Journal Article Hof and Blázquez-Salom 2015
Current status of solid waste management in small island developing states: A review Journal Article Mohee et al. 2015
Disaster risk insurance and catastrophe models in risk-prone small Caribbean islands Journal Article Joyette et al. 2015
Environmental change and food security: the special case of small island developing states Journal Article Lowitt et al. 2015
Garbage: How population, landmass, and development interact with culture in the production of waste Journal Article D. Paul Brown 2015
Geographies of Caribbean Vulnerability in a Changing Climate: Issues and Trends Journal Article Kevon Rhiney 2015
Governance of transitions towards sustainable development – the water–energy–food nexus in Cyprus Journal Article Halbe et al. 2015
Integrated Water Resources Management in Latin America and the Caribbean Book Section Donoso et al. 2015
Mapping and assessing coastal resilience in the Caribbean region Journal Article Lam et al. 2015
Sustainability, Efficiency and Equitability of Water Consumption and Pollution in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article Mekonnen et al. 2015
Where does climate fit? Vulnerability to climate change in the context of multiple stressors in Funafuti, Tuvalu Journal Article McCubbin et al. 2015
Access to electricity in Small Island Developing States of the Pacific: Issues and challenges Journal Article Matthew Dornan 2014
An approach to the ecological footprint of Malargüe, Argentina Journal Article Iturbe and Guerrero 2014
An integrated material metabolism model for stocks of urban road system in Beijing, China Journal Article Guo et al. 2014
Assessing the vulnerability of beach tourism and non-beach tourism to climate change: a case study from Jamaica Journal Article Tracy-Ann Hyman 2014
Decoupling Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation: Reviewing Progress to Date in the Small Island State of Malta Journal Article Conrad and Cassar 2014
Decoupling Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation: Reviewing Progress to Date in the Small Island State of Malta Journal Article Conrad and Cassar 2014
Disaster Risk Reduction in the Caribbean: Opportunities and Challenges for Achieving Greater Resilience Journal Article Simon Hollis 2014
Obstacles to climate change adaptation decisions: a case study of sea-level rise and coastal protection measures in Kiribati Journal Article Donner and Webber 2014
Sustainably managing natural resources and the need for construction materials in Pacific island countries: The example of South Tarawa, Kiribati Journal Article Babinard et al. 2014
An Overview of Urban Vulnerability to Natural Disasters and Climate Change in Central America & the Caribbean Region Journal Article Ebru Gencer 2013
Biocultural diversity conservation for island and islanders: Necessity, goal and activity Journal Article Sun-Kee Hong 2013
Caribbean Small States - Challenges of High Debt and Low Growth Report 2013
Determining cement ball mill dosage by artificial intelligence tools aimed at reducing energy consumption and environmental impact Journal Article Sarduy et al. 2013
Intelligent decision support systems in environmental management problems Journal Article 2013
Quantification of urban metabolism through coupling with the life cycle assessment framework: concept development and case study Journal Article Goldstein et al. 2013
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) & energy aid: Impacts on the energy sector in the Caribbean and Pacific Journal Article Niles and Lloyd 2013
Small island developing states: coastal systems, global change and sustainability Journal Article John E. Hay 2013
Caribbean Agriculture in a Period of Global Change: Vulnerabilities and Opportunities Journal Article David Barker 2012
Climate Change and the Caribbean: Review and Response Journal Article Taylor et al. 2012
Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Caribbean Small Island Developing States: Integrating Local and External Knowledge Journal Article Mercer et al. 2012
Freshwater Resources in the Insular Caribbean: An Environmental Perspective Journal Article Tamara Heartsill Scalley 2012
Islands, culture, landscape and seascape Journal Article Gloria Pungetti 2012
Making machine learning models interpretable Conference Paper Vellido et al. 2012
Pathways and Management of Phosphorus in Urban Areas Journal Article Yuliya Kalmykova 2012
Vulnerability assessment of ecological conditions in Seribu Islands, Indonesia Journal Article Farhan and Lim 2012
Conflicting Objectives of Trinidad's Water Pricing Policy: A Need for Good Water Pricing and Governance Journal Article Michelle Mycoo 2011
Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts of Carsharing in North America Journal Article Martin and Shaheen 2011
IT for green and green IT: A proposed typology of eco-innovation Journal Article and 2011
Overview of non-hazardous solid waste in the small island state of Mauritius Journal Article Foolmaun et al. 2011
The implications of global climate change for fisheries management in the Caribbean Journal Article Leonard A. Nurse 2011
Water policy development and governance in the Caribbean: an overview of regional progress Journal Article Adrian C. Cashman 2011
Impact of Carsharing on Household Vehicle Holdings: Results from North American Shared-Use Vehicle Survey Journal Article Martin et al. 2010
Management of water demand in the Caribbean region: current practices and future needs Journal Article Edwin Ekwue 2010
Marine Biodiversity in the Caribbean: Regional Estimates and Distribution Patterns Journal Article Miloslavich et al. 2010
Climate Change and Small Island Developing States: A Critical Review Journal Article Kelman and Wes 2009
Climate change and tourism: the implications for the Caribbean Journal Article Clayton et al. 2009
Climate change implications for water resource management in Caribbean tourism Journal Article Emmanuel et al. 2009
Economic Vulnerability and Resilience: Concepts and Measurements Journal Article Briguglio et al. 2009
Governing long-term social–ecological change: What can the adaptive management and transition management approaches learn from each other? Journal Article Foxon et al. 2009
Social Equity Considerations in the Implementation of Caribbean Climate Change Adaptation Policies Journal Article Dulal et al. 2009
A framework for clarifying the meaning of Triple Bottom-Line, Integrated, and Sustainability Assessment Journal Article Hacking and Guthrie 2008
Micro-Macro Linkages Between Gender, Development, and Growth: Implications for the Caribbean Region Journal Article Stephanie Seguino 2008
Studying Islands: On Whose Terms? Some Epistemological and Methodological Challenges to the Pursuit of Island Studies Webpage Godfrey Baldacchino 2008
Urban Metabolism: The Case of Budapest Report Pomázi and 2008
Natural hazard impacts in small island developing states: A review of current knowledge and future research needs Journal Article Méheux et al. 2007
Powering down: Remedies for unsustainable ICT Journal Article Simon Forge 2007
Automation and accountability in decision support system interface design Journal Article Mary L. Cummings 2006
Ecological citizenship and sustainable consumption: Examining local organic food networks Journal Article Gill Seyfang 2006
Emigration and Brain Drain : Evidence From the Caribbean Webpage Prachi Mishra 2006
Geographical ‘handicaps’ and small states: Some implications for the Pacific from a global perspective Journal Article Armstrong and Read 2006
Islands, island studies, island studies journal Journal Article Godfrey Baldacchino 2006
Municipal solid waste composition determination supporting the integrated solid waste management system in the island of Crete Journal Article Gidarakos et al. 2006
Brain Drain in Developing Regions (1990-2000) Report Docquier et al. 2005
Hurricanes and Caribbean Coral Reefs: Impacts, Recovery Patterns, and Role in Long-Term Decline Journal Article Gardner et al. 2005
Planning for climate change in small islands: Insights from national hurricane preparedness in the Cayman Islands Journal Article Emma L. Tompkins 2005
Towards an Integrated Regional Materials Flow Accounting Model Journal Article Sinclair et al. 2005
Weather Forecasts are for Wimps: Why Water Resource Managers Do Not Use Climate Forecasts Journal Article Rayner et al. 2005
An island approach to industrial ecology: towards sustainability in the island context Journal Article Deschenes and Chertow 2004
An overview of model integration for environmental applications - Components, frameworks and semantics Journal Article Robert Argent 2004
Assessing climate change impacts on coastal infrastructure in the Eastern Caribbean Journal Article Lewsey et al. 2004
Designing and building real environmental decision support systems Journal Article Poch et al. 2004
Macroeconomic Implications of Natural Disasters in the Caribbean Report Tobias Rasmussen 2004
Modelling of integrated solid waste management systems in an island Journal Article A. Skordilis 2004
On the economics of electricity consumption in small island developing states: a role for renewable energy technologies? Journal Article Daniel Weisser 2004
Sustainable Development of Water Resources in Small Island Nations of the Pacific Conference Paper White et al. 2004
Environmental relations and biophysical transition: the case of trinket island Journal Article Singh and Grünbühel 2003
The phantom of liberty?: economic growth and the vulnerability of small states Journal Article Armstrong and Read 2002
Adapting to Climate Change in Pacific Island Countries: The Problem of Uncertainty Journal Article Jon Barnett 2001
An ecological footprint of Liverpool Report Barett and Scott 2001
Materials and Energy Flow Analysis of Paper Consumption in the United Kingdom, 1987-2010 Journal Article Erik Sundin 2001
Social Metabolism and Labour in a Local Context: Changing Environmental Relations on Trinket Island Journal Article Singh et al. 2001
Applications of artificial neural-networks for energy systems Journal Article Soteris A. Kalogirou 2000
Effects and outcomes of Caribbean hurricanes in a climate change scenario Journal Article Ariel E. Lugo 2000
Energy flow analysis as a tool for developing a sustainable society—a case study of a Swedish island Journal Article Sundkvist et al. 1999
The social shaping of household consumption Journal Article Susse Georg 1999
A comparison of the economic performance of different micro-states, and between micro-states and larger countries Journal Article Armstrong et al. 1998
Rapid spread of diseases in Caribbean coral reefs Journal Article Goreau et al. 1998
A Systems Approach to Materials Flow in Sustainable Cities: A Case Study of Paper Journal Article Leach et al. 1997
Delivering environmental decision support systems: Software tools and techniques Journal Article Rizzoli and Young 1997
Small island developing states and their economic vulnerabilities Journal Article Lino Briguglio 1995
Integrated Water Resource Management in Latin America and the Caribbean: Opportunities and Constraints Journal Article Dourojeanni and Nelson 1987