Community Portal

Daniel Otero Peña
Daniel Otero Peña
  • Signed up 4 years, 1 month ago
  • Last seen 2 years, 5 months ago

Architect and urban designer based in Brussels. I am currently working as a researcher and teaching assistant at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Université Catholique de Louvain, where I a am a Phd candidate in the Architecture and Urbanism doctoral programme. My research focuses on urban metabolism and applications in landscape infrastructure design, spatialization of flows through mapping and its relation to public space.

Completed tasks

Date Task Project Points
Aug 28, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 29, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Población empadronada por sexo, según entidad federal, municipio y parroquia
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aug 29, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Estadísticas Forestales Compendio Período 2009-2013 Serie 13
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 31, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
La gestión del agua potable y el saneamiento en el Área Metropolitana de Caracas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aug 31, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
La Gestión de residuos y desechos sólidos en el Área Metropolitana de Caracas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Feb 01, 2021 Shapefile uploaded to the library
División Político Territorial de la Región Capital
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Apr 07, 2022 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Advancing urban metabolism studies through GIS data: Resource flows, open space networks, and vulnerable communities in Mexico City
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Total 28